Friday, November 15, 2013


[1] ^Fresh & Clean^
I've been wanting a refreshed design for this little blog here for quite some time now. I finally was able to come up with one that I'm pretty satisfied with, but still have some work to do! I wanted something that looked simple and clean, but still has some fun in it!

[2] Yummy Chicken Parm
I'm always in the search of healthier recipes that still taste delicious. I made this one this week and boy was it yummy! The flavors in it are so rich, but way healthier than your traditional parm. The fiancé loved it! It's a little involved for a week night, but totally worth it. Recipe here

[3] Christmas Wrapping
This year I've decided I want to make really cute wrapping for our gifts. I'm hoping this weekend I'll have time to do some crafting and can make some cute embellishments, like these ones from the container store:

[4] Friends-Giving
Tomorrow Alex and I are heading up to LA to celebrate a "pre-thanksgiving" with some of our closest friends. I'm excited to cook, eat yummy T-giving food and spend some quality time! I'm very thankful that we're able to spend this time all together :)
[5] Freakin' Friday!
This may be cheating, but really and truly today I'm happier than anything that it is finally Friday. It's been one of those work weeks where I felt like Friday should have been on Wednesday...



  1. That's so cute that you're going to a Friends-giving! Enjoy! :)

  2. love your new design! I am wanting one so bad!

  3. The new design looks great! That meal does look really good! I like the idea of adding embellishments to gifts!

  4. Can't wait for Friendsgiving!!!!
